New and Notable
Did you know that there are over seventy five hours ( 75! ) of video content at Most of these videos are either workshops from NACR regional/national conferences, presentations made at the Summer Institute of Recovery Studies, or lectures from Dr. Ryan’s courses at Fuller Theological Seminary. It seems unlikely that the NACR will be returning to face-to-face conferencing any time soon – but you could still organize a hyper-local conference. Just pick a couple videos. Invite some friends over to watch. Think about it. You could do this. Almost guaranteed to be better for you than anything available on Netflix or any other streaming service. And it’s free!
Recently featured in the ‘new and notable’ category
Feel What You Feel as Lenten Practice by Dale Ryan
Why Can’t Church Be More Like an AA Meeting? by Stephen Haynes
Recovery Writing by James Ryan
Resource Centers

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Why the NACR?
Because we need each other, that’s why!
NACR’s primary purpose is to help the Christian community become a safer and more helpful place for people struggling with the most difficult of life’s problems. We know how painful it is to feel like we are the only one who is struggling. We know how exhausting it is to pretend that things are OK. We aren’t going to do that anymore. Join us as we sink our roots more deeply every day into the soil of God’s love.
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